Dara Neeson
had many endearing qualities, he was kind, thoughtful and loyal. You
could always depend on him. I'll always remember his enthusiasm for
life. He was also an ambitious young man. On leaving school he harassed
Moffat engineering so much they took him. He later completed a course
on welding so that he could earn enough to buy his first car.
Like a lot of his contemporaries, he
was keenly interested in things mechanical. He could be found, along
with his pals, on many an evening with his head stuck under the bonnet
of a car. He succeeded in acquiring his first car, on which he lavished
a lot of tender loving care. He also had a great passion for motorcycling.
He attended motorcar rallies and biking meets regularly. Everywhere
he went, he was accompanied by his childhood sweetheart, Helena. They
were inseparable. They had made plans to be married.
He was returning from Mondello with
his biker pals when he was taken from us at the tender age of Twenty
Six. He is still sorely missed by his family and large circle of friends.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal.
Gone but never forgotten.